If you are a beginner , you have always wonder the ways you could improve your art and you have definitely search ways on internet.To help you improving your art here are some ways that I used when i was a beginner.
1.Make shapes
For this take a old newspaper and stick it to a wall with tape.Now everyday before drawing , you have make vertical lines, horizontal lines and circles on it(without using scale and rounder) . This technique will effect as a warm up and trust me it will improve your skills.Everyday you should fill the one side of the newspaper.It will help you at the time of sketching.
2.Make a book
You should make a art journal.Set a specific time period to complete it like in 2 months. Try to make drawing or painting atleast 3 times a week (and if you have enough time then you should practice it daily). Try to fill up as many books as possible.This will keep a track of your progress in art, as you can compare your future art books with your past ones and can see how far you have come.(also at the time you feel demotivated you can see them as this will help you to see how much better you have become).
3.Try different techniques
The most difficult thing for the beginners is to find a right technique to improve skills. Nowadays almost everyone have the acess to the internet , it has vast number of videos of experienced artists teaching various techniques try to explore more. Everyday choose a different techniques and practice it until you are satisfied.
4.Art ideas?
Now most of you will have a common question.WHERE SHOULD WE GET NEW IDEAS? Don't worry , this is where the magic of internet comes , you will get millions of ideas on it. And I will also start posting new ideas for you.So what are you waiting for go google the ideas.But first try to think ideas on your own, its a good excercise for brain.Only search ideas on internet when your mind is exhausted or when you are facing a art block.
5.Don't procrastinate
Whether you're studying or working or painting, just don't procrastinate on it.Many of you just left your art incomplete and then it just remain there like it for the rest of the eternity.Try to complete your art piece and if you have incomplete art pieces from before then try to complete them too.If you will procrastinate,you will ultimately slow down your progress.There is a difference between relaxing and procrastinating.So its okay to relax but don't procrastinate.
6.Don't be afraid
Many of you start thinking about the results before creating.Don't do that. Don't stress about the results, enjoy the process. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Mistakes are a part of progress. Its okay if your piece didn't come out as you expected it to be . Don't worry if your art didn't look as good as the experienced artists. Always remember that the great artists were also once the beginners.They came this far cause they were not afraid of making a mistake.Also don't throw out your worst piece as they will inspire you on the days when you feel unmotivated , as you can can compare them with your good art and see how far you have come
At last just relax and trust the process and enjoy the journey:-)