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    Top ways to study effectively in pandemic

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    Nowadays there are many ways to get distracted away easily.And this pandemic has not helped the situation becoming any better.This pandemic has affected the student's study. Students are facing difficulties and are getting overwhelmed very easily because of this pandemic.

    So these are top tips that will help you study effectively 

    1.Study Long

    Now I know this technique will not be effective to many of you. But for me it is and some of you can relate to it.I know many of you out there have tried the technique like study for 15mins and then take a 5 min break, but for some of you it may have not helped .Then try this one :-

    Study-1.5 hour

    Break-15 minutes

    Study-1.5 hours

    I study this way and believe its better for me , cause when i tried the technique i mentioned earlier didn't help me.Whenever my concentration sets to the topic , by that time it already becomes a break time.I have hard time maintaining my concentration and it takes 20 minutes only to set my concentration to the topic and then that 5 min break ruins it and then i had to again take 20 minutes to set my concentration and the endless cycle goes on. So i decided to study like this way it helped me alot.And I am sharing this thinking maybe it can help anyone of you out there reading it.Its okay if you are able to do study with 20min and 5 min break strategy , this is for those who have hard time concentrating .

    2.Make breaks a relax and fun time


     Now that you have studied, your brain must be feeling tired and craving for some screentime.It maybe saying you and forcing you to open your social media and see if your friend has send you a meme or anything.But letme tell you something "Don't do that".

    You know with this pandemic , our education has mostly became online,because of which your screentime has already increased and also we all know that we study less and remain glued to the social media and web series.It's okay everybody does that,but here's the thing many few will do.And that is making your breaktime fun and relaxing without touching your phone.

    Here are the some ideas :-


    If you like to paint , then paint a small flower, if you like to write then write a small quote.Embrace yor hobby in the free time cause that's the thing that will make you relax and happy and also it will give you a little confidence.Also life has become pretty busy and i know you have thought many times when i will get the time to do my favourite thing and this is the time to do it.Also make your project little cause i know we sometimes dive to deep into the hobbies and then didn't give the time to studies. So be careful for that as we don't want to ruin our study schedule.


    We always craves for some snacks.Eat it in your break time and also you can cook your snack with some innovation,it will help you as you are mostly sitting while studying, cooking snacks will allow your body to do movements. So what you are waiting for go grab some snacks or go to your kitchen and create your own little magical recipe.

    3.In nature

    If you are one of them who says" I am a nature lover" than, you are the one who craved sometime to go out in the nature and whats the best time to do it ? Yes you thought that correctly BREAKTIME

    Go and spend sometime in greenery and watch the colorful butterflies sitting on colorful flowers and feel that golden sunlight and that cold breeze brushing your hair. I swear you will not regret it.

    4.Read a book

    If you are a reader then you always have thought "ugh! I wanna read that book , i have only read half of it . When i will get the time to read it." This is the right time but make sure not to dove too deep as you will forget about the time and then you will regret that you didn't study when you have the time , so don't do that.

    5. Excercise

    ok,ok before you say you don't like to excercise, its okay don't do it (i will suggest to do it atleast 3 times a week but it is your decision to make ) Anyways i know there are some of you who are into fitness.So why to waste your break, Stand and do some stretching or any excercise you like.As i said earlier you are mostly sitting while studying so doing exercise will help you to remain fit.

    3.Make Timetables

    I know everyone whether they are your teachers or parents keep saying to make timetables and everytime you are "ughhhh!!!"You know when everyone says that icecream flavour is good then you go and try it yourself (i know some of you will now crave for icecream) if there is a trend on social media , you will be eager and will always try it.So if everyone is saying you to make a timetable i think then you should try that too. By making a schedule your brain will run that way. And if you don't know how to make it , then don't worry i gotch you .Below is the way i make timetable maybe it will give you an insight on how to make your own timetable.

    Maths-9:30am to 10:45am

    Break - 15mins

    English-11:00am to 11:30am

    Science-11:40am to 1:00pm

    Tips to be followed while making a timetable

    •Always choose the combo of hard subject and easy one.Like you can see above for me Maths is hard and english is easy so after studying a hard subject, my brain will need time yo ease up so i go with the easy subject which will take less efforts. 

    •Schedule it in a way that you find it easy.Don't be hard on yourself , be easy .

    •Make it keeping in mind about the future plans. For example if you have to go to a party then make sure to study completely about your any test in future ,so you can enjoy your party without worrying about your studies.

    •Make sure your timetable do not mess up your study schedule. You should get enough sleep for you to be more productive.

    •Also be easy on yourself , i know this pandemic have affected all of us in many ways , so its okay to take a day off and just binge watch your fave series.

    And lastly don't forget to drink WATER!! STAY HYDRATED.

    I hope this will help you (•‿•)

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